The Birds They Sing at The Break of Day

First Place Award 2013 Legal Fiction Writing Contest - Journal of Legal Education 69 J. Legal Educ. 154 (2013)

Front Cover of handout from story reading Thomas Jefferson School of Law (2013)
Back Cover of handout from story reading Thomas Jefferson School of Law (2013)

Erica Lane’s boyfriend called Gramchi first. Around 10 the night before, Erica had flounced out the door with Sheila and some girls that Grail didn’t know. She did this often; late nights were par for Erica’s course. But when 2:30 came and went, Grail suspected that this wouldn’t be a typical night. At 4:50, he heard the phone. He let it ring a little because he didn’t want to rush into hearing what he knew would not be good. Erica had been arrested for DUI. Bad as it initially sounded, it only got worse.

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